Scrotal Treatments & Scrotaltox

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Scrotal Enhancement Treatments

The subject of ‘Penis size’ & even ‘Scrotal size’ has been a topic of discussion since the beginning of time. There are numerous reasons to enlarge or change the shape of the penis and/or scrotum. Scrotums vary greatly in size, shape, & in skin quality, but there are medical, physical, psychological, along with other reasons to alter the aesthetics & size of the penis and/or scrotum.

Scrotal enhancement treatments are typically performed for those who desire a larger/fuller scrotal appearance or have a scrotum that constantly pulls/contracts which can feel very uncomfortable or even be painful. Scrotal enhancement will help induce collagen formation between the muscular fibers producing such contraction, preventing this from happening to an uncomfortable degree.

Sometimes men have a very loose or ‘low hanging’ scrotal sac which could also be uncomfortable. By adding filler to the scrotal sac, it will ‘tighten up’ due to the extra girth of the skin & become firmer, reducing the loose appearance of the scrotal sac.


Have Sweaty Balls or Prefer a Lower Hanging & More Relaxed Scrotum?

Scrotaltox can help with your sweaty balls, plus a few other added benefits!

One reported benefit is as a treatment for excessive sweating in the scrotum area, but the primary benefit seems to be that it smooths out the wrinkles on testes & makes them look bigger. We have even had guests report that it has improved their sex life. Yup – the buzz is that it increases sensitivity in the boys!

Scrotaltox started as a purely medical procedure used to relieve pain in the scrotum due to inflammation but now a whole host of new claims have been made about this procedure, including the following:

  • Wrinkles on your scrotum are less noticeable with a smoother appearance
  • Your scrotum sweats less ‘sweaty balls’
  • Your scrotum looks bigger or more ‘filled out’
  • Your testicles hang more loosely or lower & have a larger appearance
  • Sex is more pleasurable

sweaty man working out

So how does this all Go Down?

  • To prepare for your procedure, we ask that you shave the pubic area the day before or the morning of
  • Before injection, the areas of treatment will be cleansed
  • The procedure is painless because a topical numbing agent will be applied
  • The areas where the neurotoxin can be safely injected will be marked
  • There will be several small injections made with a fine needle into the skin of the scrotum, not into the sack (see diagram below)
  • The procedure generally takes anywhere from five to ten minutes with virtually no downtime
  • Most guests will have some numbness, swelling, & bruising along with lumps, bumps, or skin irregularities where the neurotoxin was injected
  • Feeling of tightness in your scrotum is completely normal
  • Guest will be sent home with post care instructions
  • A required follow-up visit in 2 weeks will be scheduled to review results & optimize any areas

scrot pic

What does Scrotaltox with Neurotoxin Treatment Cost?

Procedure costs vary greatly depending on the individual’s needs & goals. Treatments are typically around $500, based on the desired results. All this information is discussed during your confidential consultation with one of our medical professionals.

What to Expect After Treatment?

  • In most cases, you can go back to most usual activities within 4 hours
  • Refrain from lifting heavy objects, going to the gym, or having sex for 24 hours
  • Results will start to be noticeable within a few days to a week
  • Treatments are completed approximately every 4 months

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