Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening: Live a Leak-Free Lifestyle
Over the course of a woman’s life, she may suffer from several different vaginal health issues. Most commonly, childbirth, active lifestyles, menopause, weight fluctuations or a shift in hormones can lead to loosening of the vaginal muscles and related concerns, such as stress incontinence, a loss of sexual pleasure, and a decrease in sensation. These issues not only affect us physically but all mentally by limiting our ability to live our best lives. Viveve® is a nonsurgical intimate wellness treatment for vaginal laxity that can be completed in just 50 minutes without any scars or downtime.
Viveve does not require local or general anesthesia. The procedure itself should not be uncomfortable but you may feel a slight warming sensation during treatment. The Viveve device delivers controlled volumetric heating to safely stimulate vaginal tissue.
Is Viveve Right for You?
Many women who feel that they’ve lost some vaginal tightness can be excellent candidates for Viveve treatments. Some of the most common reasons to consider Viveve include:
You’re experiencing looseness in the inner and outer lips (labia minora and labia majora).
-Viveve can help restore loose skin and help you look young again - You’re experiencing leaking when sneezing, laughing, or working out
- You’re experiencing inner and outer lips (labia majora and labia minora) loosness. Viveve can help restore your loose skin and help you look young again
- Viveve treatments may alleviate self-consciousness while increasing sexual confidence and enjoyment
- You’re struggling with mild, moderate, or severe urinary incontinence
- You’re seeking an increase of natural lubrication
- You’re seeking enhanced pleasure—More easily achieved and intense orgasms
What’s the Treatment?
Treatments are safe as well as effective and should not cause any discomfort. During the actual treatment, a small and smooth specialized instrument is gently inserted about an inch or two into the vagina with the use of lubrication. The device then emits various impulses of energy triggering the natural production of collagen along the vaginal walls. You may experience a warming or cooling sensation during this process, however it is not painful. There is no downtime following treatment and normal activities are allowed immediately after. The revitalizing results following the procedure are immediate and progress over time.

Although individual experiences vary, most women begin to notice results around day 30. Results may continue to develop and improve over the next 3 months. Most women only require a single Viveve treatment session.
- Comfort—Cryogenic cooling technology keeps discomfort to a minimum
- Efficiency—Often, one 50-minute session is all you need to enjoy improvement for a year or longer
- Convenience—Treatment can be performed in an outpatient setting
- No downtime—Back to your regular routine right away and can resume sexual activity within 48 hours
- Simple: most women require just one fast, 50-minute treatment for long-lasting results
- Proven safe and effective: in clinical trials, Viveve improved vaginal tightness, sensation, appearance, and also resolved incontinence
- No pills, creams, or surgeries: a quick appointment with Viveve allows you to enjoy lush, rejuvenated vaginal tissue without medication, scarring, or long recovery times
- No side effects: Viveve causes no bruising, bleeding, scarring, or pain
- Discreet: no time off work, invasive medical procedure, or hospital stay required