Understanding Andropause: The Male Equivalent Menopause

Doctor and Patient discussing andropause

We’ve all heard the jokes about women going through menopause (sorry, ladies!), and maybe you’ve even teased a wife or girlfriend about some of the dreaded signs that show up around middle age. But unfortunately, we’re here with some news that might make you think twice before you make those kinds of jokes again.

As it turns out, men can go through menopause too.

Well, let’s back up just a bit. Technically, it’s not called “menopause” when you’re talking about men, and the symptoms, causes, and treatment options have some differences as well. But if you’ve always thought that being a guy made you immune from hormonal issues, now’s the time to think again.

We’re going to talk about the “male equivalent” of menopause, how to know if you’re dealing with it, and what to do about it. If you’re a guy in your 30s, 40s, or beyond, and you want to do everything possible to look and feel you’re best, you’re going to want to keep reading.

Is There Such a Thing as a “Male Menopause”?

Maybe you’ve heard people throw around the term “male menopause,” and found yourself wondering (and worrying): what is the male version of menopause? Is there one?

The answer isn’t quite as simple as a quick “yes” or “no.” But with a little more explanation, it gets a lot easier to understand.

When women go through menopause, it’s caused by the end of ovulation and a dramatic, rapid drop in hormone production. But for men, the hormonal decline usually happens over a period of many years. Both can be related to the hormonal changes that can come with getting older, but that’s really where the similarities end.

Usually, “male menopause” is a reference to the decrease of testosterone production. As your production of testosterone slows down, it’s possible to end up with suboptimal testosterone levels (also called low-T).

What is Andropause?

Andropause is the correct term for low testosterone in men, and specifically, the symptoms that go along with it. It’s not necessarily the most commonly-used term to describe this condition, so you’re more likely to hear it called:

  • Testosterone deficiency syndrome
  • Androgen deficiency
  • Hypogonadism

But by far, the most popular term is one that’s as simple as it gets: Low-T.

So, is andropause the same as menopause? Not exactly.

First of all, andropause only occurs in men, and menopause is a condition diagnosed in women. Secondly, menopause represents the end of a woman’s ability to reproduce, and it’s something that happens to all women. But in men, reproduction can still happen after andropause – and not all men will go through it.

Most importantly, the symptoms of andropause aren’t usually as dramatic as those caused by menopause. That’s not to say that it doesn’t affect men, because andropause can seriously put a damper on your quality of life. However, the signs tend to be less noticeable, which leads many men to assume they’re simply the side effects of getting older.

What are the Causes of Andropause?

The direct cause of andropause is a deficiency of testosterone, the male sex hormone that helps regulate everything from your energy and muscle mass to your concentration and libido.

The causes of low-T can be a little more complex, but it’s most commonly tied to aging.

At what age do men’s testosterone levels drop? On average, it happens around your mid-30s. It decreases by about 1% per year. Depending on where you started, this decline might not be enough to push you into “low-T” territory. But for many men, the slowed production leads to suboptimal levels of testosterone by their 40s, 50s, or 60s.

In addition to aging, low testosterone can also be caused by other factors. Medical conditions, certain medications, diabetes, and obesity are all contributing factors for low-T. If you have a combination of these, it is possible that your chance of developing a testosterone deficiency is much higher.

Main Symptom: Low Testosterone Levels

The main symptom of andropause will show up in a quick lab test: low levels of testosterone.

So, how do you know if you have low testosterone? We encourage any man that feels “off” or like less than his best to look into his testosterone levels because you never really know when it can strike. At Focal Point Vitality, we can diagnose low-T levels through a combination of lab testing and discussion about your health history and symptoms.

Your lab results will tell us if you have low-T, and exactly how low your levels are. This makes it possible for us to develop a tailored treatment plan that effectively meets your needs.

How Low-T Effects Men’s Lives

Low testosterone is the primary symptom of andropause, but what are the signs of low-T?

It’s not unusual for men to realize they have low testosterone after Googling random questions about unpleasant symptoms they’re having. For example, you might have ended up here after searching for answers to questions such as, “What causes hot flushes in men?”, “Why do I have erectile dysfunction?”, or even, “Why am I so tired all the time?”

That’s because low-T can impact virtually every aspect of your life, and there’s a wide range of symptoms you might experience.

  • Signs of low-T can include:
  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • Getting a “beer belly” or “love handles” from a build-up of fat
  • Losing muscle
  • Sleep problems
  • Decreasing sex drive
  • Having a hard time focusing/concentrating
  • Depression or bad moods
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)

Experiencing even just one of these symptoms is reason enough to get your testosterone levels tested.

How is Andropause Treated?

Feeling down after reading that long list of symptoms of low-T? Well, let’s get to the good news: low testosterone levels are a treatable condition. With the right approach, you can absolutely get back to feeling like the best version of yourself. In fact, if you’ve had low-T for a while, treatment is going to be a game-changer.

Low testosterone can be resolved with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This treatment restores the “missing” testosterone from your body, supplying you with just the right amount to get everything back in balance. In many cases, combining TRT with other therapies (like HGH or peptide therapy) can be the key to achieving impressive results.

Do I Need Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

The best way to know if you need testosterone replacement therapy is to start with a lab test. We’ll collect a small blood sample, then use it to analyze where your testosterone levels are at.

Then, our hormone doctor will combine this information with details of your symptoms and health history to determine if TRT is the right fit for you. If you decide to move forward with TRT, we’ll create a completely customized treatment plan with your goals in mind.

Focal Point Vitality: Providing the Anti-Aging Solutions to Boost Your Wellbeing

Not every man will experience andropause, but there are so many that will. And even if it’s not andropause that’s getting you down, there’s no reason to settle for a life that’s just “ok.”

Focal Point Vitality is a leading provider of age managing treatments, including testosterone replacement therapy in Phoenix. Our team of highly trained experts can assess your health, then help you figure out which steps to take to reclaim your confidence, vitality, and wellness.

For more information about TRT and how it can help you, schedule a consultation at Focal Point Vitality now!

Image Source: YP_Studio / Shutterstock

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